Below you will find instructions on how to utilize and create various types of CSFP Lists through Link2Feed.
This article covers the following topics:
CSFP Lists
How do I create a CSFP Client List?
Network users will also be able to see inactive sites.
For a more detailed breakdown of the client's CSFP ID, ethnicity, and kit size, along with the client's contact information, please see How do I create a CSFP Kit Issuance List? below.
The CSFP Client List will display a list of clients who have the same Official Location as the organization the user is logged into.
Please follow these steps to create the CSFP Client List:
- On the left-hand side of the screen select the Clients heading, then click on CSFP Clients.
- The list will automatically appear, but you can also filter by the following:
- CSFP ID: the CSFP ID entered on the CSFP tab of the client's profile.
- First Name: first name of the client.
- Last Name: last name of the client.
- Status: the status of the client.
- Status Change Date: the date the client's CSFP status was last changed.
- Official Location: the location selected on the client's CSFP tab of their profile.
- Phone Number: the phone number listed on the Personal page of the client's profile (if any).
- Email: the email address listed on the Personal page of the client's profile (if any).
The CSFP Client List has tools available for exporting the information:
- Copy: you can copy the table into another application.
- CSV: you can download the table into a CSV file that can be opened in Microsoft Excel.
- Print View: you can view the table in a printer-friendly mode and then print it directly from the program.
Example image from Chrome:
How do I create a CSFP Kit Issuance List?
The CSFP Client Kit Issuance list will display a list of clients who have the organization the user is logged into as their "Official Location" despite where they have visited.
To generate the CSFP Client Kit Issuance List follow these steps:
- On the left-hand side of the screen select Clients, then click CSFP Kit Issuance.
- Enter the dates for the reporting period by clicking on Start Date and End Date in the For The Following Time Period section.
- If dates are not inputted, the dates that will be used are one-month-ago from today.
- The dates impact the list of clients shown if you select Only Clients With No Visits or Only Clients With Visits in the Households Visits section.
- If you select All Clients, it will show you your full CSFP roster regardless of which dates are selected.
- The date range also impacts the Last Visit Date and Location column in the Kit Issuance List. That column will only include data if the client had a visit during the selected date range.
- Select the organization(s) or group(s) of organizations you want to report on.
- If you are logged into the Network, you will see all CSFP locations in the section.
- If you are logged into an Agency, you will only see that one agency.
- The organization is the Location on the CSFP tab of the client's profile.
- Choose your filter:
- Only Clients With No Visits: clients who have not visited between the chosen dates.
- All Clients: all CSFP registered clients.
- Only Clients With Visits: clients who have visited between the chosen dates.
- Click on the Create List button.
A list of column options will be shown. Default options will be checked off, but you can check off additional sections or remove the existing ones.
Column Descriptions
- Official Location: the location selected on the client's CSFP tab of their profile.
- CSFP ID: the ID number entered on the client's CSFP tab of their profile.
- Status: CSFP status of the client. See the CSFP Tab for a list and description of the statuses.
- Status Change Date: the date that CSFP status was changed, See the CSFP Tab for a list and description of the statuses.
- If users have the Inactive Status setting enabled, the reason will be shown in brackets on this list (e.g. Inactive (Moved)).
- Last Name: the client's last name (Personal tab of their profile).
- First Name: the client's first name (Personal tab of their profile).
- Date of Birth: the client's Date of Birth (Personal tab of their profile).
- Caretaker: the name(s) of caretakers listed on the CSFP tab of their profile.
- Proxy: the name(s) of proxies listed on the CSFP tab of their profile.
- Enrollment Date: the enrollment date entered on the client's CSFP tab of their profile.
- Next Recertification: the next recertification date and if it's recertification or renewal.
- If this column reads Not Certified it may mean the client is under a Forced Profile Review or has missed their recertification date.
- Next Check-In Date: the next check-in date.
- Ineligible Reason / Notes: the reason(s), if applicable, why the client is ineligible and any notes created while entering a CSFP visit.
- Phone Number: the client's phone number (Personal tab of their profile).
- Languages: languages spoken in the household.
- Visit Date: the last date entered for a New CSFP Visit.
- NOTE: this will only return a visit date if the client has had a visit during the selected date range.
- Location: the location of the user who entered the visit.
- Total: total amount of kits provided.
- Household Size: all individuals in the household.
- Qualifying Members: first name, last name, and date of birth of household members over 60 who are not enrolled in CSFP.
- Total Income: total household income of all household members.
- Primary Income: household primary income source.
- Address Line 1: Address line 1 of the household's address.
- Address Line 2: Address line 2 of the household's address.
- City: City of the household's address.
- State: state of the household's address.
- Zipcode: zip code of the household's address.
- Signature Line: extra column with a line to add a signature.
- Signature Date: extra column to add the date of signature.
Viewing Consent to Contact Status in CSFP Kit Issuance List
Intake users and above can view the consent status in the Appointment List and CSFP Kit issuance List. This will allow agency managers to contact their clients to follow up on appointments and visits.
Deceased Toggle
The CSFP Kit Issuance List has a toggle button below the column options to decide if you would like deceased clients to show on the list or not. This is off by default.
Export Tools
- Enable Scrolling: this will allow you to scroll to the right if there are more items in the table that cannot currently be seen.
- Copy: will copy data for the user to paste into a word processing document.
- CSV: will download the data for use in Excel.
- Print View: will put the data on a white background for printing without gridlines.
Excel Tips
Please see the following video from HowTechOffice on Youtube for tips on how to adjust the row height to make rows larger for Signature. As well this article from Office Support is helpful.
How do I create a Regional CSFP Kit Issuance List?
In order to create a Regional CSFP Kit Issuance List you will follow the same steps included above How do I create a CSFP Kit Issuance List?
The main difference you will see as a regional user logged into a regional organization is that with the For the Following Organizations section, it will be listed by network with an option to expand these networks to see all agencies and choose them specifically.
How do I create an FFC Client List?
To generate an FFC Client List follow these steps:
- On the left-hand side of the screen select Clients and then click on FFC Clients.
- The list will automatically appear, but you can also sort by the following:
- Start Date
- End Date
- Partner
- Program
- Status
- Type
- The list includes the following headings:
- FFC ID: the FFC ID entered on the FFC tab of the client's profile.
- First Name: first name of the client.
- Last Name: last name of the client.
- Enrollment Date: enrollment date recorded on the FFC tab of the client's profile.
- Partner: partner selected on the FFC tab of the client's profile.
- Program: program selected on the FFC tab of the client's profile.
- Type: type selected on the FFC tab of the client's profile.
- Status: the FFC status on the FFC tab of the client's profile.
- Last Status Change Date: the date the client's FFC status was last changed.
- Proxies: the proxies on the FFC tab of the client's profile.
- Visit Count: total FFC visits recorded in the client's profile.
- Link2Feed ID: The Link2Feed Client ID assigned to the client.
FFC Export Tools
The FFC Client list has a tools button which when opened reveals the following options:
- Copy: you can copy the table into another application.
- CSV: you can download the table into a CSV file that can be opened in Microsoft Excel.
- PDF: you can download the table into a PDF file.
- Print: you can view the table in a printer-friendly mode and then print it directly from the program.
How do I create a Social Service Follow-Ups List?
To generate a Social Service Follow-Up List follow these steps:
- On the left-hand side of the screen select Clients then click on Social Service Follow-Ups.
- The list will automatically appear, but you can also filter by the following:
- Status: the status of the client's application.
- Renewal within: the amount of days in increments of 10 of when the renewal is due.
- Username: name of the user who created the application.
- SSO Program: The Social Services Outcome Program that has been assigned to the client.
- You can also define which columns you want listed.
- Each column can be filtered.
- In the Application History section, if the application has been Approved or Denied, you can just view it by clicking on the blue folder icon. For any other status, you can both view and edit the application, to edit the application select the orange edit button.
Social Service Follow-Up List Export Tools
The Social Service Follow-Up List has a tools button which when opened reveals the following options:
- Copy: you can copy the table into another application.
- CSV: you can download the table into a CSV file that can be opened in Microsoft Excel.
- Print: you can view the table in a printer-friendly mode and then print it directly from the program.