This article goes over the basics of getting started with reporting through Link2Feed from the initial setup, recurring reports & template setup as well as any FAQs.
This article covers the following topics:
- Enabling reports
- Report setup foundations
- Report basics
- How do I schedule a Recurring Report
- Report Templates
- Frequently asked questions about reports
- Efficiency and Timeliness of Report Generation
Enabling reports
To enable a report in your user profile please follow these steps:
- Navigate to the left-hand side of the page and select Administration.
- Select Users.
- Click on the orange edit icon beside your name.
- Verify you have Reporter listed as one of your user roles.
- If you are not an Agency Manager or Network Admin you will not be able to edit your reports list and may have to connect with someone who would have the access to provide this to you.
- Click on Case Management Specific.
- Go to the Reports tab.
- Check off the report you would like access to.
- Click Save & Next to save changes.
Report setup foundations
The following steps are used to begin the set-up of all reports:
- Click on the Reports heading on the left-hand of the screen.
- Click on New Report.
- Click on the Create New Report button under the name of the report you want to run.
- Enter a title for your report in the text box Title.
- Within the Sharing section you will see three options available to you:
- Just Me: Choose this option if you want the report to only appear in your report inbox.
- Me and Users at the Following Organizations: Choose this option if you want the report to appear in your report inbox and the report inbox for every user at each organization you select.
- Me and the Following Users: Choose this option if you want the report to appear in your report inbox and the report inbox for every user you select.
- For the section For the Following Cycle, you will have the option to create a cycle and/or Date Range. You will need to determine the date range or cycle you want the report to run for here.
- Once Only: Create a one-time report.
- Relative Dates: The time period you want to run the report for.
- What I Choose: This will prompt you to select your desired date range (Start Date and End Date).
- Relative Dates in the Past: Choose from time periods like Last Month or Last Quarter.
- Relative Dates in the now and future: Choose from time periods like This Month or This Quarter.
- Relative Dates: The time period you want to run the report for.
- Recurring: Creates a recurring report.
- Recurring: Select how often you want the report to run (ex. Daily would run once every day, weekly would run once every week).
- Relative Dates: Choose from time periods like Last Month or Last Quarter.
- Starting On: The first day the recurring report should generate.
- Once Only: Create a one-time report.
- Within the Organization section you will be able to select the Organizations in your network you'd like to be included on the report, select the criteria below:
Review Report Basics below for information on what One Row Per Organization and One Row Total mean.
- By Name: Select organizations to include in the report by the name of the organization.
- By County: Select organizations to include in the report by the country the organization is based in.
- By City: Select organizations to include in the report by the city the organization is based in.
- By Tag: Select organizations to include in the report by the tags assigned in their organization profile.
- By Group: Select organizations to include in the report by the Organization Groups they are assigned to.
- Show Active Toggle:
- Sliding this to On will show organizations that are currently set to Inactive.
- NOTE: This feature is only available when the By Name field is selected.
- If you are running a Regional Report:
- There will be a checkbox for each Network.
- Clicking on the black triangle beside the Network will show a list of all agencies within that Network.
- Clicking on the check box beside the name of the network will select all agencies in the network. Deselecting the checkbox beside the name of the network will deselect all agencies in the Network.
- You can also select individual agencies by checking the box beside their name.
- Within the For the following program types section you will be able to select which program types should be included in the report.
- This step will not appear for reports based on only one Program Type (ex. CSFP reports in US, Hunger Count in Canada).
- This step will not appear for reports based on only one Program Type (ex. CSFP reports in US, Hunger Count in Canada).
- Report Specific Steps, for instructions related to the final steps for each specific report please navigate to the left-hand side of this article and select the applicable report article.
Report Basics
Expired Reports
Reports will expire 72 hours after creation. To view older reports, the report must be refreshed. You can refresh a report by clicking on the circling arrows button on your report list.
Data storage for Reports and Exports
The system uses the information in the household at the time of the visit for reporting and exporting. This includes all demographic information for all individuals selected in the Who from the household is receiving services for this visit section on the visit page.
Data Storage example:
Household 1 visits on January 5 and their address is in City A, then visits on January 10 and their address is in City B:
- Visit 1 (Jan 5): City A
- Visit 2 (Jan 10): City B
If a report is run from January 1 to January 8, Household 1 would be included in the count for City A.
If a report is run from January 9 to January 11, Household 1 would be included in the count for City B.
If a report is run from January 1 to January 11, Household 1 would be included in the Duplicate count for both City A and City B, but would only be included in City B in the Unique count. For more information see Unique and Duplicated Counts below.
Data Storage Analogy
You can picture the system as taking a photo of the household whenever they visit and filing it. If everyone in the household was wearing a hat on their first visit, the system remembers that when it's time to run a report, even if they didn't have on hats the second time they come.
Unique and Duplicated Counts
Unique/Duplicated Definition
Unique: The household/individual is counted only once regardless of the number of times they have visited during the reporting period. The demographic data is pulled from the most recent visit of the household/individual. A Unique count is the same as De-duplicating data or having an unduplicated count.
Duplicated: The household/individual is counted each time they have visited during the reporting period. The demographic data is pulled from each visit. A duplicated count is the same as the number of visits.
Unique/Duplicated Count Examples:
Example 1 - Unique and Duplicated Counts for Total
An agency has six visits in the month of January (see table below). In this time period, all clients visit once, with the exception of Bob Jones, who visits three times (see bolded rows with *).
A report is run from January 1 to January 10
- Duplicated Count= 6 (as there were six visits)
- Unique Count= 4 (as these visits were only from 4 different people)
Visit # | Client Name | Visit Date |
1 * | Bob Jones | January 4 |
2 | Mary Smith | January 4 |
3 * | Bob Jones | January 6 |
4 | Amy Green | January 6 |
5 | Linda Simpson | January 9 |
6 * | Bob Jones | January 10 |
Example 2- Unique and Duplicated Counts with Changing Demographic Information
A household contains Client 1 and Client 2.
Their first visit is on January 1. At the time of this visit, Client 1 is twelve years old and Client 2 is fifteen years old.
Their second visit is on January 2. At the time of this visit, Client 1 is thirteen years old and Client 2 is fifteen years old.
Visits | Client | Age |
January 1 | Client 1 | 12 |
Client 2 | 15 | |
January 2 | Client 1 | 13 |
Client 2 | 15 |
A report is run from January 1 to January 3 and these are the only two visits recorded during the reporting period. The following would be the Unique and Duplicated counts for Age Group for the table above:
Unique | 0-12 0 | For the Unique count each individual is only counted once, regardless of the number of times they visited during the report period. Client 1 was 13 at the time of their second visit, so they are only counted in the 13-15 grouping, because Unique counts take demographic data from the most recent visit. |
13-15 2 | ||
Total 2 | ||
Duplicated | 0-12 1 |
For the Duplicated count each individual is counted each time they visited.
Because each visit is counted, Client 1's first visit is included in the 0-12 grouping, and their second visit is included in the 13-15 grouping. Both of Client 2's visits are included in the 13-15 grouping. |
13-15 3 | ||
Total 4 |
Aggregated/Not Aggregated - Network Reports
Network reports are for organizations with multiple agencies (such as food banks).
One Row Per Organization/One Row Total Definition
You can further define how you want the data de-duplicated, by selecting One Row Per Organization or One Row Total.
One Row Total: This displays all Unique report sections as one unique count by de-duplicating across the organizations selected. This option is selected by clicking One row total in the Organizations section of the report setup.
- One Row Total by Organization by Name: This will produce a single network count for all organizations selected.
One Row Per Organization: This displays all Unique report sections as a count for each agency by de-duplicating within each agency selected.
- One Row Per Organization by Name: This will produce one row for each organization.
- One Row Per Organization by County/City/Organization tag: This will produce one row for each county/city/tag selected.
- This de-duplicates across the organizations within each individual city/county/tag selected.
Client Name | Agency Visited |
Visit Date |
Bob Jones | Agency A | January 4 |
Mary Smith | Agency C | January 4 |
Bob Jones | Agency B | January 6 |
Amy Green | Agency B | January 6 |
Linda Simpson | Agency A | January 9 |
Bob Jones | Agency A | January 10 |
A report is run from January 1 to January 10th with One Row Total selected:
Unique Count | Explanation | |
Network | 4 | We are only counting Bob Jones ONCE across all of the agencies he's visited. |
A report is run from January 1 to January 10 without One Row Total selected:
Organization | Unique Count | Explanation |
Agency A | 2 | Bob Jones visited Agency A twice along with one other person (Linda Simpson) so the unique count for Agency A is 2. |
Agency B | 2 | Bob Jones visited Agency B once along with one other person (Amy Green) so the unique count for Agency B is 2. |
Agency C | 1 | Only Mary Smith visited Agency C, so the unique count for Agency C is one. |
Total* | 5 |
If you were to add up the unique counts in this example it would show the total as 5, because in this example Bob Jones is counted under both Agency A's unique count and Agency B's unique count. *The total row here is to illustrate how this works. The actual reports in Link2Feed do not show a total for Unique counts when One Row Total is not selected. |
Reports and Aggregate Options
The following reports contain the option to have One Row Total because they may need to be viewed as unique counts by agency OR one unique count across the network:
- Client Status Report
- Hunger Count, Regional Version (Canada Only)
- Statistics Report
The following reports automatically calculate with One Row Total because they can only be presented as one unique count across the network:
- Heat Map Report
- Hunger Count, Network Version (Canada Only)
- Interactive Household Report
- Referrals Report
- TIme Series Report
- CSFP Case Load Report (US Only)
- CSFP Ethnicity Report - Duplicated, CSFP Ethnicity Report - Unique (US Only)
The following reports do not have the option for One Row Total because they must be presented as unique counts by agency:
- Monitoring Report
- Agency Report
- School Pantry Report
- Visits to Other Agencies Report
- Social Services Outcomes Report (US Only)
The following reports do not have the option for One Row Total because they do not deal with standard "Visit" data:
- Bulk Program Report (uses a mix of bulk data and known generic program data)
- Survey: Answer Frequencies Report (uses survey data)
- Survey: Non-Response Report (uses survey data)
- Assessment Reports (uses assessment data)
Aggregated/Not Aggregated - Regional Reports
Regional reports are for organizations with multiple networks (such as a state/provincial or national organization).
At the regional level, users see all of their networks listed, with the option to expand the list and select specific agencies within each network.
In these reports, One Row Total is de-duplicating across agencies within networks (not between different networks). The results from the de-duplicated count for a network run at the regional level will be the same as the de-duplicated if it were run at the network level.
Regional reports can be selected to de-duplicate across a) particular organizations within a network or b) all organizations within a network
One Row Total: This displays all Unique report sections as one unique count per network by de-duplicating across the organizations selected for each network. This option is included by clicking One Row Per Organization in the Organizations section of the report setup.
- One Row Total by Name: This will produce a single network count labeled with the name of each network.
- One Row Total by County/City/Organization Tag: This will produce a single network count for each network that has agencies that fall under that county/city tag.
Not Aggregated (One Row Per Organization): This displays data as a count for each agency organization selected. For report sections that say (Unique), it will de-duplicate the count within each agency selected.
- One Row Per Organization by Name: This will show one row for each organization selected.
- One Row Per Organization by County/City/Organization Tag: This will show one row for each county/city/organization tag and include non-aggregated data for all organizations with that county/city tag.
Including Multiple Programs- Agency, Network and Regional
When including multiple programs under For the following program types, Unique counts will only count clients, households and individuals once even if they had visits for multiple Program Types.
Including Anonymous Visits- Network and Regional
Anonymous Visits will be included in reports by selecting Include Anonymous Visits in the Additional Options section of the report setup.
Anonymous with One Row Total: Anonymous visits will show as a final column labeled as Anonymous. This will include anonymous visits recorded at any organization selected for the report.
Anonymous with One Row Per Organization: Anonymous visits from each agency will show as a final column labeled as Anonymous.
Presentation of Data Not Being Collected
Disabled Fields:
If a network has disabled particular fields, the option to report on those fields will still appear. However, all data will show as Unknown.
If a network has previously tracked a field and then disables it, the data recorded in that field will still be reported on for visits recorded when that field was tracked.
Fields Required for "Client" Only:
The following fields are only required for the Client. See Report Definitions- Household, Client, Partner, Individuals, Adult, Child.
- Marital Status
- Country of Birth (Canada only)
- Highest Education Level Completed
- Country of Education (Canada only)
- Employment Type (US Only)
- CSFP Tab (US only)
All fields that are mandatory for Client only, can be collected for all individuals in the household. In households where the information has not been gathered for all household members, missing data will show as Unknown.
Fields Required for "Household" Only
The following fields are collected at the Household level. See Report Definitions- Household, Client, Partner, Individuals, Adult, Child.
- Consent
- Address (including Street, City, County, State, Zip/Postal Code)
- Housing Type
- Expenses
- Dietary Considerations
- TEFAP Tab (US only)
In report sections labeled as Individuals for fields that are collected at the Household level, one count has been applied for each household member. For example, if Bob, Mary, and Linda live in the same household, and their household is in City A they would be counted as one household in the City: Households report section and three individuals in the City: Individuals report section.
New vs. Existing Sections
Where is the system pulling the first food bank visit date from?
The system checks if there are other agencies in the network other than the organization being reported on.
Single Agency Network
It will take the first food bank visit recorded on the Services page of the client's profile.
- If no, then pulls from the first food bank visit.
- If you'd like it to check the first food bank visit date on the Personal page, add another agency in your network. It doesn't have to have any programs attached to it, but when using it in your reports, the system will recognize it as the Multi-Agency Network below.
Multi-Agency Network
It will check the first food bank visit date on the Personal page of the client's profile.
Comparing Report Sections Across Reports
- Statistics Report and Interactive Household Report
- The Statistics and Interactive Household Report sections will match for Unique counts if the statistics report has One Row Total selected, because the Interactive Report is set to automatically generate with the logic of One Row Total.
- There are NO duplicated or non-aggregated sections of the Interactive Household Report.
- Statistics Report and Agency Report
- The Statistics and Agency Report sections will match for Unique and Duplicate counts if the Statistics Report is set as One Row Per Agency, because the Agency Report will report on information per organization and does not allow for One Row Total.
- This will only match if the Statistics Report is run for pantry programs only.
- Statistics Report and Time Series Report
- The Statistics and Time Series Report sections will match for Unique and Duplicated counts if the Statistics Report has One Row Total selected, because the Time Series Report is set to automatically generate with the logic of One Row Total.
- CSFP Case Load Report (US Only)
- The Number of Individuals Served (Unique) from the Statistics Report (with only CSFP selected under For the following program types) will match the "Served" section from the CSFP Case Load Report if the Statistics Report has One Row Total selected, because the CSFP Case Load Report is set to automatically generate with the logic of One Row Total.
- CSFP Ethnicity Report- Duplicated (US Only)
- The Number of Individuals Served (Duplicated) from the Statistics Report (with only CSFP selected under For the following program types) will match the Total section from the CSFP Ethnicity Report (Duplicated) if the Statistics Report has One Row Total selected, because the CSFP Ethnicity Report (Duplicated) is set to automatically generate with the logic of One Row Total.
- CSFP Ethnicity Report- Unique (US Only)
- The Number of Individuals Served (Unique) from the Statistics Report (with only CSFP selected under For the following program types) will match the Total section from the CSFP Ethnicity Report (Unique) if the Statistics Report has One Row Total selected, because the CSFP Ethnicity Report (Unique) is set to automatically generate with the logic of One Row Total.
- School Pantry Report
- The Statistics and Agency Report sections will match for Unique and Duplicate counts if the statistics report is set as One Row Per Agency, because the School Pantry Report automatically generates with the logic of One Row Per Agency.
Comparing Report Sections Across Reports and Export
- When comparing counts with export data, keep in mind that:
- The Unique count only counts clients once, so the total number of rows will not match the unique number of households or individuals served.
- The unique count will use demographic data from the most recent visit and demographic variables may change during the time period selected.
- Individuals may have lived in multiple households during the reporting period.
Report definitions (Household, Client, Partner, Individuals, Adult, Child)
Individuals are grouped into household profiles (Households) in Link2Feed based on the discretion of the user. Household reports count the entire household as a unit.
Example- Bob, Mary, and Linda are in the same household profile, so they would be counted as 1 household.
The person whose name was at the top of the page when the visit was recorded. NOTE: The “Client” in reports is not necessarily the same thing as the Primary Household Member indicated in the household profile.
Example- Bob, Mary, and Linda live in the same household. Mary is designated as the Primary household member. I search for Bob and enter into the household under his profile. I see his name at the top of the page and record a visit. Bob’s information will be used in report sections that say: Client for that visit.
The people who are selected on the Visit page under the Who from the household is receiving services for this visit (those who the food is benefitting) section.
Example 1- If Bob, Mary, and Linda live in the same household and all of their names were selected on the Visit page under the Who from the household is receiving services for this visit section, all of their information will be used in report sections that say: Individuals.
Example 2- If Bob, Mary, and Linda live in the same household and only Bob and Mary were selected on the Visit page under the Who from the household is receiving services for this visit section, only Bob and Mary’s information will be used in report sections that say: Individuals for that visit (Linda’s information would not be included).
The individual(s) in the home who have the relationship status (as it relates to the Client – see above) as Spouse, Boyfriend/Girlfriend, or Common Law Partner.
Example 1-Bob, Mary, and Linda live in the same household and Linda’s relationship to Bob is Boyfriend/Girlfriend. If Bob is the Client (see above) and Linda was selected on the Visit page under the “‘Who from the household is receiving services for this visit” section, Linda’s information will be used in report sections that say: Partner.
Example 1- Bob, Mary, and Linda live in the same household and Linda’s relationship to Bob is Boyfriend/Girlfriend. If Linda is the Client (see above) and Bob was selected on the Visit page under the Who from the household is receiving services for this visit section, Bob’s information will be used in report sections that say: Partner.
This is usually anyone 18 or older. This setting can be changed at the network organization level by Network Administrators.
This is usually anyone 17 or younger. This setting can be changed at the network organization level by Network Administrators.
For information regarding Unique and Duplicated counts, see the Report Basics above.
How do I schedule a Recurring Report?
- In order to schedule a recurring report, under dates choose Recurring, then expand the dropdown for how often you want your report to recur.
To Be Run | Description |
Daily | Will run the report every day, starting with the day it was requested. |
Weekly | Will run the report once every seven days, starting with the day it was requested. |
Monthly | Will run the report every month, starting with the day it was requested. This goes off calendar months, and not once every 30 days. |
Quarterly | Will run once every 3 months, starting with the day it was selected. This goes off calendar months (e.g. if requested on Nov 5, the next scheduled report is Feb 5). |
Yearly | Will run once every year, starting with the day it was scheduled. |
- The Relative Dates options are more flexible.
- With a scheduled recurring report, the start and end dates aren't necessary.
- The specific details of each relative date are shown in the table below:
Relative Date | Start | End | Comments |
Today | This day at 00:00:00 | This day at 23:59:59 | Only on the current day |
This Week | Monday of the current week at 00:00:00 | Sunday of the current week at 23:59:59 | A week runs from Monday to Sunday |
This Month | 1st of the current month | Last day of the current month at 23:59:59 | The first of the current month to the first of the following month. |
This Quarter | Jan 1st of the current year at 00:00:00 | Mar 31st of the current year at 23:59:59 | If the current month is between Jan-Mar |
Apr 1st of the current year at 00:00:00 | Jun 30th of the current year at 23:59:59 | If the current month is between Apr-Jun | |
Jul 1st of the current year at 00:00:00 | Sep 30th of the current year at 23:59:59 | If the current month is between Jul-Sep | |
Oct 1st of the current year at 00:00:00 | Dec 31st of the current year at 23:59:59 | If the current month is between Oct-Dec | |
This Year | Jan 1st of current year at 00:00:00 | Dec 31st of current year at 23:59:59 | The first of the current year (Jan 1) to the first of the following year. |
Yesterday | Previous Day at 00:00:00 | Previous Day at 23:59:59 | |
Last Week | Monday of last week at 00:00:00 | Sunday of last week at 23:59:59 | Last week = last week (Mon-Sun) that does not include "today". |
Last Month | 1st of last month at 00:00:00 | Last day of last month at 23:59:59 | The first of the last month to the first of the current month |
Last Quarter | Oct 1st of last year at 00:00:00 | Dec 31st of last year at 23:59:59 | If the current month is between Jan-Mar |
Jan 1st of current year at 00:00:00 | Mar 31st of current year at 23:59:59 | If the current month is between Apr-Jun | |
Apr 1st of current year at 00:00:00 | Jun 30th of current year at 23:59:59 | If the current month is between Jul-Sep | |
Jul 1st of current year at 00:00:00 | Sep 30th of current year at 23:59:59 |
If the current month is between Oct-Dec |
Last 6 Months | May 1st of current year at 00:00:00 | Nov 1 of current year at 23:59:59 |
*This one doesn't work like the others. See below. |
Last Year | Jan 1st of last year at 00:00:00 | Dec 31st of last year at 23:59:59 |
The first of the last year (Jan 1) to Dec 31 of the past year. |
Important Notes
- For This Month, This Quarter, and This Year, it goes to the first of the following month inclusively. So where a report is reporting on Nov 1 - Dec 1, the stats will include anything recorded Dec 1. This is more notable when using Last Month, Last Quarter, Last 6 months, or Last Year.
- If the target month doesn't have that day number available, like February 30th, then the system converts the date to the start of the following month.
- Example: Last 6 Months (on October 31st, 2016) would mean the start date would be February 31st, 2016. But February in 2016 only has 29 days (being a leap year), so the system adds the missing two days and returns March 2nd, 2016.
- Recurring Reports that are scheduled to begin in the future will appear in the recurring reports section, but will not have any information about their last run or their next run.
- Relative dates: Last 6 months: From the first of the month 6 months ago to the first of the current month.
- Example: where today is Nov 5, the last 6 months are May 1 - Nov 1 inclusive.
Recurring reports for post-dated reports:
When you want a recurring report to begin in the past, it will be listed in the inbox as the requested day. The system will treat it as the current day for figuring out when to run the next report (A monthly report beginning Jan 1 but put in Nov 5 will have the first report listed on Jan 1 in the inbox, but the next report will be scheduled for Dec 5).
- A weekly report for the current month would generate a report from the first of the current month to the first of the next month, every week. Running the report again (refreshing the report) would update the numbers to reflect the time that it was refreshed and not the time at which the report was generated. So if three weekly reports from last year reporting on the same month were all refreshed, they would all show the same values.
The Requested Date represents the date that the request was created. For example, if you have a recurring monthly report for last month that happens on the first of the month, then the February 1 - 28 report will likely have a Requested date of Feb 1. This is because when the January report completes on February 1st, it immediately makes a request for the next report to be prepared.
Report Templates
By creating and running Report Templates, it becomes possible to save your report settings to quickly run the reports that you most commonly use.
How do I create a new Template?
To create a new Report Template you can follow these steps:
- Create a new report of the type you wish to make a template of.
- Set all the parameters of the report as though you were going to run the report. If you need help setting up a report you can review Report Setup Foundations.
- Once the details are complete, instead of choosing to run the report, click on Save Template at the bottom right corner of the page.
How do I Run a Templated Report?
To run a Templated Report follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Report Templates page on the left-hand menu under Reports.
- On your list of templates, click on the grey Create Report button.
- This will bring you to the New Report page, with the template options pre-filled. You can review and change your settings, and run the report at the bottom right-hand corner of the page.
How do I View and Edit Report Templates?
To look at your saved Report Templates please follow these steps:
- Under Reports on the left-hand side of the screen select Report Templates.
- From here you will see a list of your saved Templates.
- Within the list here you will see:
- Name: The name of your report template.
- Type: The type of report being templated.
- Created At: The time when the template was created.
- Updated At: The time of the most recent update to the template.
To edit your Report Templates please follow these steps:
- From the Report Templates screen, click on the blue pencil button next to the template you wish to edit.
- This will bring you to the Edit Template page.
- You will know you are editing the template because the text at the top of the screen will tell you which template you are editing.
- Make the changes you require here to the template, then save the changes at the bottom right-hand corner.
- Unsaved changes will not be preserved in your template.
Frequently asked questions about reports
Before running any report, be sure to review these sections (located in this article):
How do I run a report on one month?
When running your report, select a Start Date and an End Date for the month you'd like to report on.
Where do I find a simple report for number of people served at a pantry?
The Agency Report is a simple report for those using the pantry program and includes:
- People served by age
- See table titled Age Group: Individuals (Unique)
- Unique (unduplicated or de-duplicated) households and individuals served
- See table titled Served: Households/Individuals (Unique)
- Duplicated households and individuals served
- See table titled Served: Households/Individuals (Duplicated)
- NOTE: The households column of this report would equal the number of visits
- See table titled Served: Households/Individuals (Duplicated)
For more information on Agency Reports click here.
If you don't see this report, it can be added to your user permissions. For information on how to do this click here.
The Statistics Report also includes sections for Served: Households/Individuals (Unique) and Served: Households/Individuals (Duplicated) and can be run for any program. Click here for more information on this report.
Where do I find a list of clients?
Reports in Link2Feed include anonymized counts (aggregated data) only. There is no easily accessible client list available in Link2Feed.
For more information about client lists, speak to your network administrator (if you are a pantry) or your account manager (if you are a food bank).
How can I layer multiple data points?
The Interactive Household Report allows you to layer/pivot data points.
Click here for more information on this report, as well there is a video available here.
How can I change my age groups in my reports?
Network administrators can change the age breakdowns for the Statistics Report sections starting with Age Group: using Data Groups. If a change is made to the Data Groups it will change for all users and organizations in the network.
This will only change the groupings in future reports (not previously run reports). For more information on this click here.
How do I find the number of visits?
Run a Statistics Report for the section Served: Households/Individuals (Duplicated). The Households column in that report is equal to the number of visits. For more details on the Statistics Report click here.
I'm a network, how do I get a count by agency?
Run a Statistics report and do not select "One Row Total". For each section of the report, you will see a table with each agency listed by row.
See Report Basics above and for more information on the Statistics Report click here.
I'm a network, how do I get a total count for my whole network?
Run a Statistics report and select "One Row Total". For each section of the report, you will see a table with one row labeled "Network".
See Report Basics above and for more information on the Statistics Report click here.
How do I run a report by county?
Run a Statistics report and select the counties you want to report on under the Or the following county section.
This will filter data based on the organizations within those counties, not the clients within those counties.
For more information on the Statistics Report click here.
How do I get a unique count of children served?
Run a Statistics Report for the section Age Group: Individuals (Unique). The section for children is 0-18.
For more information on the Statistics Report click here.
How do I find the unique number of African Americans/Hispanics served?
Run a Statistics Report for the section Ethnicity: Individuals (Unique). There is a section for individuals who identified as "Black/African American" or "Hispanic/Latino" only as well as sections for people who identified as "Black/African American + Another ethnicity" or "Hispanic + Another Ethnicity."
To find the total number of people identifying as "Hispanic" you would need to add "Hispanic/Latino" and "Hispanic + Another Ethnicity" together.
To find the total number of people identifying as "African America" you would need to add Black/African American" and "Black/African American + Another ethnicity" together.
For more information on the Statistics Report click here.
How do I find out how many individuals who accessed Agency X also accessed Agency Y?
Run a Visits to Agencies report to see the number of individuals attending each different agency and multiple agencies. For more information on this report click here.
Where do I find the number of first-time (new) households?
Run a Statistics Report for the section Households: New vs. Existing (Unique) and Individuals: New vs. Existing (Unique).
- The Households section will take the first visit recorded in the household as the first visit
- The Individuals section will use the First Food Bank Visit field as the first visit. If not applicable, it will take the first visit recorded for that individual
The New column is the number of households/individuals who visited for the first time during the reporting period.
For more information on the Statistics Report click here.
Why do some sections of the Statistics Report not include anonymous?
The following sections of the Statistics report do not contain details for anonymous:
- Any subsection with ":Client" because the ":Client" isn't designated in an anonymous visit
- Any subsection with ":Partner" because the ":Partner" isn't designated in an anonymous visit
- The subsection "Visits: Vouchers Issued" and "Visits: Vouchers Spent" because these vouchers aren't tracked with anonymous visits
Anonymous is not explicitly labeled, but is counted in the columns under the subsections for Visits: Provided Food, Visits: Provided Items, Visits: Provisions, Visits: Quantity of Food, Visits: Referred To, and Visits: Visit Reason because all of these sections are tracked at the visit level.
Efficiency and Timeliness of Report Generation
In our report generation process, we understand the significance of minimizing wait times for our users. Currently, the wait time is determined by the number of organizations included in the report and the duration covered. Let's delve into the details of our report queues for a clearer understanding.
We manage two queues: one for regular reports and another for large reports. We allow up to 20 reports to run simultaneously. This setup enables concurrent processing of multiple reports but may result in a slightly extended initial wait time to ensure efficiency.
Report size is determined by multiplying the number of sites by the duration in days, with a limit set at 50 sites x 180 days (equivalent to 9000). Anything exceeding this threshold is directed to the large queue.
Recognizing the complexity and scale of large reports, they are processed in a separate queue, occasionally resulting in wait times measured in hours. We understand the inconvenience and are actively working towards optimizing processing times for such reports in the future.
Conversely, our regular queue processes reports efficiently with a minimum wait time of 6 minutes per report. Multiple reports can run simultaneously, minimizing overall slowdowns. However, there are instances where regular reports may take longer, ranging from 20 to 30 minutes each. It's essential to note that even a quick report may experience delays if queued behind longer reports.
As we strive to optimize report processing times, your feedback is crucial. Please feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions, these contribute to our ongoing efforts to enhance and streamline this process for an improved user experience.