This article covers the following topics:
- How Do I Use the POH Tab?
- How Do I Record a POH Visit?
- How Do I Generate a POH Client List?
- How Do I Use a POH Report
- Efficiency and Timeliness of Report Generation
How Do I Use the POH Tab?
The POH tab allows you to track and update a client’s Pathway of Hope status. You can manage the URICA assessment, edit the status, run specific assessments, and track prior enrolment in the program.
- When a client first enrolls in Pathway of Hope their POH tab will have just the URICA Assessment available.
- Once the URICA Assessment has been completed and saved, the Working Together Agreement is generated.
- Once the Working Together Agreement has been signed by both the client and the worker, the Spiritual Needs Assessment and the Strengths Assessment are generated.
URICA Assessment
To record a URICA Assessment click on the blue +New Assessment button.
- A new page will open and you will be presented with several multiple-choice questions for your client to answer.
- Answer all questions and then click Save, you will land on a page where you can review these answers, use the orange Edit icon to make changes, and click the blue Complete button to submit the assessment. (Once the answers have been submitted, they cannot be changed).
- After submitting the URICA Assessment, you will be brought back to the POH tab and the client’s URICA score will appear, along with a description of whether the client is a good Pathway of Hope candidate.
- The date of the assessment will appear beneath the +New Assessment button, and you can review the client’s URICA score at a later date, by clicking on the grey View Assessment button.
Working Together Agreement
You can enroll your client in Pathway of Hope by selecting New Agreement under the Working Together Agreement.
- Both a client and worker signature are required.
- The date is automatically set to the present-day date but can be adjusted to be in the past.
- After signing, you can view the enrolment date and the participant’s current status on the POH tab.
Once the Working Together Agreement is completed POH Clients can be found easily from the Dashboard; click here for details on generating the POH Clients List.
Client Statuses
How can I set a client's status to Complete?
Once both the client and worker have signed and saved the Working Together Agreement the POH tab will now show, directly beneath the Working Together Agreement:
- Enrollment date: The date the client enrolled in the Pathway of Hope program.
- Status: This field is a dropdown field, it automatically defaults to Active with other selections being Withdrawn, Completed, and Partially Completed.
- Status Change Date: The date the status was changed.
- Organization: The organization the client enrolled at.
Spiritual Needs Assessments
You can track a client’s spiritual needs using the Spiritual Needs Assessments section on the POH tab. You can review past assessments and work with the client to collect their latest answers to the assessment questions.
To start the assessment:
- Click on the New Assessment button beneath the Spiritual Needs Assessments heading.
- A screen will open with dark blue section headings, click on a heading and the section will expand to reveal several questions pertaining to that section heading.
- You will need to complete all the sections before you can click Save & Complete.
- If you are unable to complete the assessment click the Save button, the incomplete assessment will be saved on the POH tab with its date on the left-hand side below the Spiritual Needs Assessment heading and a grey Continue Assessment button on the right-hand side, click the Continue Assessment button to continue completing the assessment.
Strengths Assessments
You can track a client’s strengths using the Strengths Assessments sections on the POH tab. You can review past assessments and work with the client to collect their latest answers to the assessment questions.
To start the assessment:
- Click on the New Assessment button beneath the Strengths Assessments heading.
- A screen will open with dark blue section headings, click on a heading and the section will expand to reveal several questions pertaining to that section heading.
- You will need to complete all the sections before you can click Save & Complete.
- If you are unable to complete the assessment click the Save button, the incomplete assessment will be saved on the POH tab with its date on the left-hand side below the Strengths Assessment heading and a grey Continue Assessment button on the right-hand side, click the Continue Assessment button to continue completing the assessment.
How Do I Record a POH Visit?
To record a POH visit:
- From within the Case Management application search for the client; click here for instructions on how to search for a client.
- Click on the client's Services tab.
- Click the New POH Visit button.
- Complete all required fields in each section.
- Date: automatically set to the current date. This can be changed manually if the date has passed.
- Time Spent: enter the amount of time spent with the client while working on POH-related services.
- Nature of Contact: select at least one nature of contact.
- Notes: by default, any notes recorded in a POH visit will be private and set to only be visible by POH users at that organization (this is not locked and the checkbox can be unchecked).
- Click the Save button in the bottom right corner of the page, or Cancel to back out of recording the visit.
- Once you have clicked Save you will land back on the client's Services tab. At the bottom of the page is the table that details the date of the visit/service, the location, and a summary of items provided.
How Do I Generate a POH Client List?
This list creates a general list of client information, including their name, status, and enrollment information.
To generate a POH Client List you will need to be in the Case Management application:
- Click Clients in the left-hand navigation pane and select POH Clients.
The list will automatically appear, and can be filtered by the following:
- Client ID: the client's Link2Feed client ID number.
- First Name: first name of the client.
- Last Name: last name of the client.
- Organization Enrolled: the name of the organization the user was logged into when the POH tab was completed.
- Network Enrolled: the name of the network (division) of the organization the user was logged into when the POH tab was completed.
- POH Status: the POH status on the client's POH tab.
- POH Status Change Date: the date the client's POH status was last changed.
- Completed By: the name of the user who completed the POH tab in the client's profile.
The tools available for the POH Client List are:
- Copy: copies the POH Client list to your computer's clipboard.
- CSV: downloads the POH Client list into a CSV file, generally viewed with Microsoft Excel.
- Print View: you can view the list in a printer-friendly mode and then print it directly from the program.
How Do I Use a POH Report?
This report provides information concerning the Pathway of Hope program.
Please see Report Setup Foundations for information on basic setup steps for all reports.
The completed report will show the name of the report at the top of the page and will also show:
- Reporting for: a list of all the agencies reported on during the reporting period.
- For these program types; lists the programs reported on during the reporting period.
- With dates between; the dates used for the reporting period.
The light blue header represents the title of the section that was reported on.
The dark blue header explains what data was used for that section of the report.
The table houses the results pulled for the report.
You can navigate to a particular section of the report by clicking Report Contents at the bottom of the left-hand navigation pane.
Report Sections
- Average URICA Score: average URICA Assessment score based on the most recent score for the client in the reporting period.
Average URICA Score vs. Exit Status Score: average URICA Score of the most recent assessment for anyone with the status "Withdrawn" and the average URICA Score of the most recent assessment for anyone with the status “Completed”.
Average URICA Score vs. Length of Service: average URICA Score vs Length of time from “Active” to “Withdrawn” or “Completed” for any POH participants that started/enrolled in the reporting period.
POH: Change in Income: average change in gross monthly income from the day the status was set as “Active” to when the status was set as “Completed”.
POH: Recidivism by Time After Completion: number of individuals who accessed any program (outside of POH) during the reporting period. This is based on the amount of time that passed since the POH status was changed to “Completed”. This is a duplicated count and calculates the total amount provided for all visits during the reporting period.
POH: Recidivism by Time After Withdrawn: number of individuals who accessed any program (outside of POH) during the reporting period. This is based on the amount of time that passed since the POH status was changed to “Withdrawn”. This is a duplicated count and calculates the total amount provided for all visits during the reporting period.
POH: Status Report: reports on POH Status.
POH Visit: Number of Visits: total number of visits to the Pathway of Hope program during the reporting period. This is a duplicated count, so each visit is counted for each time a household received services during the reporting period.
POH Visit: Nature of Contact: Nature of Contact selected by households during the reporting period. This is a duplicated count, so all natures of contact are counted for each visit during the reporting period. NOTE: Multiple natures of contact can be given for each visit, so this number will not match the number of visits.
Number of Spiritual Needs Assessments Completed: total number of Spiritual Assessments completed during the reporting period.
Spiritual Needs Assessment Question #1: Yes/No total replies to the question "Do you have a faith or spiritual belief that is important to you?"
Spiritual Needs Assessment Question #3: Multiple choice replies to the question "Do you identify with any of the following faith or spiritual communities? (Select all that apply)"
Spiritual Needs Assessment Question #4: Yes/No total replies to the question "Do the children participate in religious groups/activities (beyond a weekly church service)?"
Spiritual Needs Assessment Question #5:Yes/No total replies to the question "Do the adult(s) participate in religious group/activities (beyond a weekly church service)?"
Spiritual Needs Assessment Question #7: Yes/No total replies to the question "Have your beliefs influenced how you take care of yourself when experiencing difficulties?"
Spiritual Needs Assessment Question #10: Yes/No total replies to the question "Are you part of a religious community or church?"
Spiritual Needs Assessment Question #11: Yes/No total replies to the question "Is your spiritual community of support to you?"
Spiritual Needs Assessment Question #12: Yes/No total replies to the question "Are there a group of people who are important to you?"
Visits: Referred To (Duplicated): all referrals given to households who accessed services during the reporting period. This is a duplicated count, so all referrals are counted for each visit during the reporting period. NOTE: Multiple referrals can be given for each visit, so this number will not match the number of duplicated clients served.
To print or save sections of the report to your device click on the Tools button on the right-hand side within the light blue heading.
- Copy: copies the report contents to your computer's clipboard.
- CSV: downloads the report contents into a CSV file, generally viewed with Microsoft Excel.
- PDF: downloads the report contents into a PDF.
- Print: presents a printer-friendly version of the report contents.
It is possible to print the full report without expanding the Tools button.
- Click the blue Print View button at the top right-hand side of the report page.
- A secondary tab will open, click the Print Popup button on the left-hand side.
- A print options box will appear; complete the fields and click the Print button.
Clicking on the Enable Scrolling button will allow you to scroll to the right if there are more items in the table that are not currently in view.
Bar Graphs
Clicking on the Convert to PNG button will allow you to save this graph as a PNG (image) file onto your device.
Donut Graph
Variables can be removed from the donut chart by deselecting a list item. The percentages will re-adjust automatically to still represent a total of 100%.
Click on the Convert to PNG button and then the Download PNG button to save this graph as a PNG (image) file onto your device.
Efficiency and Timeliness of Report Generation
In our report generation process, we understand the significance of minimizing wait times for our users. Currently, the wait time is determined by the number of organizations included in the report and the duration covered. Let's delve into the details of our report queues for a clearer understanding.
We manage two queues: one for regular reports and another for large reports. We allow up to 20 reports to run simultaneously. This setup enables concurrent processing of multiple reports but may result in a slightly extended initial wait time to ensure efficiency.
Report size is determined by multiplying the number of sites by the duration in days, with a limit set at 50 sites x 180 days (equivalent to 9000). Anything exceeding this threshold is directed to the large queue.
Recognizing the complexity and scale of large reports, they are processed in a separate queue, occasionally resulting in wait times measured in hours. We understand the inconvenience and are actively working towards optimizing processing times for such reports in the future.
Conversely, our regular queue processes reports efficiently with a minimum wait time of 6 minutes per report. Multiple reports can run simultaneously, minimizing overall slowdowns. However, there are instances where regular reports may take longer, ranging from 20 to 30 minutes each. It's essential to note that even a quick report may experience delays if queued behind longer reports.
As we strive to optimize report processing times, your feedback is crucial. Please feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions, these contribute to our ongoing efforts to enhance and streamline this process for an improved user experience.