This article covers the following topics:
- How to access my Profile Settings
- How do I change my password or email?
- Case Management specific settings
How to access my profile settings
To manage your profile settings you will need to first access your My Profile page, this can be done from the Accounts page before opening the Case Management application, or from any page within the Case Management application if it has already been opened.
Follow the steps here to bring up your My Profile page.
- From the Accounts page (the page that you land on after first logging in) click on your name in the top right corner of the page, and select the My Profile option from the drop-down menu.
- Alternatively, click the Person icon at the top of the left navigation pane directly below the date.
- The above two steps will take you to your My Profile page where you will make your changes.
- If you are already logged into the Case Management application, you can access your profile from any page by following steps 1 and 2 above.
- This will take you to your My Profile page, where you will need to select the Accounts Profile link in the Edit Password section to proceed with making your changes.
How do I change my password or email?
- You can follow the steps here to bring up your My Profile page.
- When changing your password you will be required to type a new password into the New Password field and then type it again into the New Password Again field, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save to save your changes or Cancel to discard them.
- When making changes to your email address, leave the password fields blank, scroll to the Profile Details section, make your changes and click Save to save them or Cancel to discard them.
- When you click Save you will see a message indicating User has been successfully updated.
Case Management specific settings
How do I set my Preferred Quick Search?
Clients can be searched for in a number of ways, by Client ID, Date of Birth, Name, Address, Phone and Barcode. Your Preferred Quick Search is the tab that you prefer to use when searching for clients, the following steps will guide you through setting your Preferred Quick Search.
- You can follow the steps listed here to bring up your My Profile page while logged into the Case Management application.
- In the Edit Preferences section locate the Preferred Quick Search field. Clicking on the box below this field will reveal a drop-down menu, select the tab you would prefer to use when searching for clients.
- Please scroll down and click the blue Save button to save your changes, or the grey Cancel button to discard them. You will then be directed back to the Dashboard page and a green text box will appear that reads Success.
How do I set my Client Tab?
- Follow the steps listed here to bring up your My Profile page while logged into the Case Management application.
- In the Edit Preferences section locate the Preferred client tab field. Clicking in the field will reveal a dropdown menu of options, select the tab you would prefer to land on after searching for a client.
- Please scroll down and click the blue Save button to save your changes, or the grey Cancel button to discard them. You will then be directed back to the Dashboard page and a green text box will appear that reads Success.
How do I set my Preferred Return Page Tab?
The Return Page is the page you land on after you have completed recording a client visit, setting your preferred Return Page is only an option if you are running a CSFP program, all other programs default the user back to the Services page after recording a client visit. The following steps will guide you through setting your preferred Return Page tab (CSFP programs only).
- You can follow the steps listed here to bring up your My Profile page while logged into the Case Management application.
- In the Edit Preferences section locate the Preferred return page field. Clicking in the field will reveal a dropdown menu of 2 options, select the tab you would prefer to land on after recording a client visit.
- Select Services to return to the Services page.
- Select Dashboard to return to the Dashboard page, where you can then search for another client.
- Please scroll down and click the blue Save button to save your changes, or the grey Cancel button to discard them. You will then be directed back to the Dashboard page and a green text box will appear that reads Success.