This article covers the following topics:
- General information on headings
- How do I enter into a Summer Meal Service That's In Progress?
- How do I start a new Summer Meal Service?
- How do I start a concurrent Summer Meal Service?
- How do I end a Summer Meal Service?
- How do I edit a Summer Meal Service?
- How do I edit meals delivered during a Summer Meal Service?
- How do I view a Summer Meal Service?
- How do I export a Summer Meal Service?
- Summer Error Log
General information on headings
- User & Organization: the name of the user and the organization where the meal service took place.
- Date: The date the meal service took place.
- Start Time: The time the meal service started.
- End Time: The time the meal service ended.
- Status: The status of the meal service (completed, in progress).
- Meals: The total amount of meals provided in the meal service.
- Note/Comments: This column will display only 70 characters/letters; to see additional text, click on Read More.
- Actions: The ability to view or edit the meal service.
Users also can edit the meal service but they can only edit limited fields:
- Number of additional children requesting a meal after all available meals were served.
- Damaged Meals
- Number of Additional Meals Served
How do I enter into a Summer Meal Service That's In Progress?
- Click on the Meal Services heading.
- Click on Summer.
- Click on the blue folder icon to view a completed Summer Year service or one that is currently in progress. It will say In Progress under the Status column.
In Progress
You will view a Summer Meal Service that is currently in progress.
Click on End Meal Service to end the meal service.
If you change agency settings while a meal service is in progress, you risk encountering an error while ending that meal service. The system expects the same options while starting the meal service to be available when ending it.
How do I start a new Summer Meal Service?
Network Admin
If you're a Network Administrator logged into the network organization, you will have to toggle to the agency you want to start a meal service for.
Click on the hierarchy symbol on the top right of the page. A dropdown list will appear of your sites. You can click on the site you'd like to create a meal service for. From there, you will see the button available for the site's meal service.
Option 1
- Click on Summer to start a new Meal Service on your Dashboard.
Option 2
- Click on the Meal Service heading.
- Click on the New Summer Meal Service button in the top right corner.
- Fill in the following fields:
- Number of meals from the previous day: How many meals are being used in this service that was meant for the previous service? Optional setting that may not be in all portals.
- Number of meals received: how many meals were obtained for this service? Optional setting that may not be in all portals.
- Do the meals match the planned Menu? Are the meals received those that were expected?
- If it doesn't match, you will be asked to type details about the exact meal received.
- Temperature of Meals Received: The temperature of the meals when they arrived (must be less than 200) Optional setting that may not be in all portals.
- Temperature of Milk Received: The temperature of the milk when it arrived (must be less than 99) Optional setting that may not be in all portals.
- Date: This is the date of the meal service. Only a network administrator or network manager can record a meal service for a date in the past.
- Time Received: The time when the meals were received (default to the current time) Optional setting that may not be in all portals.
- Time meal service will end: The scheduled time the meal service should end (default to 45 minutes after the current time).
- Meal Type: Select from the dropdown what type of meal it is.
- Meal Style: Check all that apply to the style of the meal being served. Optional setting that may not be in all portals. Administrators can edit meal styles under the Lists section.
Error Log If using the Error Log feature, when creating a meal service, the end time and meal type will automatically be set based on the information entered on the Agency Settings page. The system will select the meal type that has a start time closest to the current time. See Error Log Feature for more information. - Signature: Signature of the program distributor starting the meal service. The user can use their finger (on a touch screen device) or mouse (on a computer) to sign in the Signature box. Click on Clear to redo the signature.
- The Signed By section will automatically be the name of the user logged in. The date will automatically be today's date.
- Click on Start Meal Service to start the meal service.
- The following page will show a confirmation that the meal service has been created.
- If you have entered an end time, a countdown clock will be at the top of the page counting down until the end of the Meal Service.
- First Meal- Child: Represents how many children received at least one meal.
- Second Meal- Child: Only used after all children have received their first meals.
- Third Meal-Child: Only used after all children have received second meals.
- Meal-Program Adult: Counting how many adults were served meals who are part of the program.
- Meal-Non Program Adult: Counting how many adults were served meals who are not part of the program.
- Feel free to enter notes or commands applicable to the particular meal service. There is a 70-character limit.
- Click on End Meal Service to end the meal service.
- A notification will appear asking if you're sure you want to end the meal service for every user who is currently accessing it. Every other user who is currently accessing this service will also have this notification pop up on their screen. Click on OK.
- A confirmation will appear letting you know that the meal service has ended. Click OK.
Changing Settings If you change agency settings while a meal service is in progress, you risk encountering an error while ending that meal service. The system expects the same options while starting the meal service to be available when ending it.
The above screen will display a summary of your meal service details.
- Click on Return to Summer Meal Services to be taken back to the Summer Meal Services log.
How do I end a Summer Meal Service?
- Click on the Meal Services heading.
- Click on Summer.
- Click on the blue folder icon to view a summer meal service that is currently in progress. You could also already be in the meal service.
- Click on End Meal Service to end the meal service.
How do I start a concurrent Summer Meal Service?
Network Admin
If you're a Network Administrator logged into the network organization, you will have to toggle to the agency you want to start a meal service for.
Click on the hierarchy symbol on the top right of the page. A dropdown list will appear of your sites. You can click on the site you'd like to create a meal service for. From there, you will see the button available for the site's meal service.
Option 1
- Click on Summer - Start a new Meal Service on your dashboard.
Option 2
- Click on the Meal Service heading.
- Click on Summer.
- Click on the New Summer Meal Service button in the top right corner.
A pop-up will appear letting you know there's already a summer year meal service in progress for this site.
You will have the option to:
Join Existing: Clicking on this will take you to the summer meal service that is currently in progress. See How do I enter into a Summer Year Service That's In Progress? for more information.
Create New: Continue following the steps to set up a new separate summer meal service. See How do I start a new Summer Meal Service? for more information.
How do I edit a Summer Meal Service?
- Click on the Meal Services heading.
- Click on the orange edit icon to view a completed summer meal service.
The amount of fields that a user can edit depends on the user role(s) they have. Click here for more details as to which fields a certain user can edit.
- When editing any meal service, ANY USER will be able to see and make edits to comments entered during the meal service.
- It appears directly in the Describe the extent and reasoning for your modifications text box.
- The most updated version of comments will be visible in the Network Level meal service log.
Describe the extent and reasoning for your modifications
- This area is now only viewable and editable by users with the Network Administrator and/or Network Manager role.
- Users who do not have these user roles will not be required to see or edit the text in this area.
3. Click on Update Meal Service to save your changes or Cancel to discard them.
How do I edit meals delivered during a Summer Meal Service?
If the user tries to record more meals served than the number of meals available for that specific meal service, a pop-up will appear, similar to the example below. Users will have the option to select the following options:
- Return to Meal Service: The user will be taken back to the meal service.
- Change Meals Available: A secondary pop-up window will appear with text boxes for the Number of meals from the previous day and the Number of meals received. The initial entries will appear with the ability to be updated and saved. This can only be done by the user who created the meal service.
- End Meal Service: the system will ask the user to confirm they want to end the meal service. This can only be done by the user who created the meal service.
How do I view a Summer Meal Service?
- Click on the Meal Service heading.
- Click on Summer.
- Click on the blue folder icon to view a completed Summer Meal service or one that is currently in progress.
The screen will display a summary of your summer meal service details.
An Export option is available on the top right of the page.
Click Return to Summer Meal Services to be taken back to the Summer Meal Services log.
In Progress
You will view a summer meal service that is currently in progress.
Click on End Meal Service to end the meal service.
How do I export a Summer Meal Service?
- Click on the Meal Services heading.
- Click on Summer.
- Click on the blue folder icon to view a completed summer meal service.
- The screen will display a summary of your summer meal service details.
- Click on the Export button on the top right of the page.
- Once the download is complete, the details will appear in an Excel Spreadsheet.
Summer Error Log
How do I start a New Summer Meal Service using the Error Log Feature?
Network Admin
If You're a Network Administrator logged into the network organization, you will have to toggle to the agency you want to start a meal service for.
Click on the hierarchy symbol on the top right of the page. A dropdown list will appear of your sites. You can click on the site you'd like to create a meal service for. From there, you will see the button available for the site's meal service.
Network Administrators can start the meal service at any time. Agency Managers and below can't start the meal service before - it has to be between the start time and end time set in the Agency Settings.
Option 1
- Click on the Meal Service heading on your Dashboard.
Option 2
- Click on the Meal Service heading.
- Click on the New Summer Meal Service button in the top right corner.
Error If you get an error message that says Outside of the designated time period it means that you will need to review your agency settings because you're trying to start a meal service outside of the days and times you've set. - Fill out the following information:
- Number of meals from previous day: How many meals are being used in this service that was meant for the previous service? Optional setting that may not be in all portals.
- Number of meals received: How many meals were obtained for this service? Optional setting that may not be in all portals.
- Do the meals match the planned Menu? Are the meals received those that were expected?
- If it doesn't match, you will be asked to type details about the exact meal received.
- Temperature of Meals Received: The temperature of the meals when it arrived (must be less than 200) Optional setting that may not be in all portals.
- Temperature of Milk Received: The temperature of the milk when it arrived (must be less than 99) Optional setting that may not be in all portals.
- Date: This is the date of the meal service. Only a network administrator or network manager can record a meal service for a date in the past.
- Time Received: The time when the meals were received (default to the current time) Optional setting that may not be in all portals.
- Time meal service will end: The scheduled time the meal service should end (default to 45 minutes after the current time).
- Meal Type: Select from the dropdown what type of meal it is.
- Meal Style: Check all that apply to the style of the meal being served. Optional setting that may not be in all portals. Administrators can edit meal styles under the Lists section.
- Signature: Signature of the program distributor starting the meal service. The user can use their finger (on a touch screen device) or mouse (on a computer) to sign in the Signature box. Click on Clear to redo the signature.
- The Signed By section will automatically be the name of the user logged in. The date will automatically be today's date.
- Click on Start Meal Service to start the meal service.
- The next page will show a confirmation that the meal service has been created.
- If you have entered an end time, a countdown clock will be at the top of the page counting down until the end of the Meal Service.
- First Meal- Child: Represents how many children received at least one meal.
- Second Meal- Child: Only used after all children have received their first meals.
- Third Meal-Child: Only used after all children have received second meals.
- Meal-Program Adult: Counting how many adults were served meals who are part of the program.
- Meal-Non Program Adult: counting how many adults were served meals who are not part of the program.
- Feel free to enter notes or commands applicable to the particular meal service. There is a 70-character limit.
- Click on End Meal Service to end the meal service.
- A notification will appear asking if you're sure you want to end the meal service for every user who is currently accessing it. Every other user who is currently accessing this service will also have this notification pop up on their screen. Click OK.
Changing Settings If you change agency settings while a meal service is in progress, you risk encountering an error while ending that meal service. The system expects the same options while starting the meal service to be available when ending it. - A Meal Services Details page displays a summary of your meal service.
- Click on Return to Summer Meal Services to be taken back to the Summer Meal Services log.
How do I delete a Summer Meal Service using the Error Log Feature?
- Click on the Meal Services heading.
- Click on Summer.
Meal services that did not occur during a period indicated in the Agency Settings page will be in an Error state on the Meal Services log.
To delete a Meal Service in an Error State:
Click on the red trash can icon to delete that summer meal service.
Be absolutely certain because once deleted, NO information from that meal service can be retrieved in the back end of the system.
- Network Administrator: this user can both edit and delete a meal service in an error state.
- General CACFP & SFSP User: this user cannot delete a meal service in an error state but can edit it.
How do I enter a past Summer Meal Service using the Error Log Feature?
- Click on the Meal Service heading.
- Click on Summer
Meal services that did not occur during a period indicated in the Agency Settings page will be in an Error state on the Meal Services log.
To enter information for an empty meal service in an Error state:
Click on the orange Edit icon to view that summer meal service.
Every Meal service is editable.
- When editing any meal service, ANY USER will be able to see and make edits to comments entered during the meal service.
- It appears directly in the Describe the extent and reasoning for your modifications text box.
- The most updated version of the comments will be visible in the network-level meal service log.
Describe the extent and reasoning for your modifications
- The user will need to explain why they are entering the meal service details after the designated period.
If you make changes without documenting the reason for your changes and click on Update Meal Service and leave the page, NONE of the edits you made will be saved.
Click on Update Meal Service to save your changes or Cancel to discard them.