Below you will find detailed information on how to manage the User administration of your CACFP/SFSP programs.
This article covers the following topics:
- How do I add a User?
- How do I edit or remove a User?
- How do I manually reset a User's Password?
- How do I unlock a User's Account?
- How do I download a User list?
How do I add a User?
- Click on the Administration heading. Click Users.
- Click on the + New User button.
- This will bring you to a New User screen containing the following sections:
This section contains the necessary required fields for a user to be created:
- First Name/Last Name: the user's first and last name.
- Email: the user's email address. This is the information they will use to log into the system. If a valid email is not provided, they will not be able to receive password reset notifications or any other communication from the system.
Temporary Password
- Password/Password Confirmation: the initial password the user will use to sign in for the first time. They will be asked to change their password after logging in, the new password must be:
- At least 8 characters long.
- At least one uppercase and one lowercase letter.
- Include at least 1 number.
- Include at least 1 special character.
- Check off the applications the user should have access to.
- If also checking off Case Management in addition to CACFP & SFSP the sub-options below will only appear depending on the programs available within the network:
- CSFP Worker: at least one agency in the network has a CSFP program.
- TEFAP Food Bank: at least one agency in the network has a TEFAP program.
- School Pantry: at least one agency in the network has a School Pantry program.
- Pantry: at least one agency in the network has a Pantry/Food Bank program.
- Social Services: at least one agency in the network has a SNAP or Medicaid program.
- Bulk Program Recorder: at least one agency in the network has a bulk program.
- Generic: at least one agency in the network has a Generic program.
- Custom Programs: at least one agency in the network has a custom program specific to their food bank.
For more information about program types click here.
Core Roles
When adding roles to a user, it is important to only assign what the user needs to do their job. If someone does not need to run reports, don't assign the Reporter role. Similarly, if someone needs to run reports but does not need direct client access, don't assign the Case Management role.
For more information on user roles as they apply to the Case Management application as well click here.
Role | Summary | Access |
Network Admin |
Allows the user to fully manage the network of agencies and all users, programs, and settings. |
Network Manager |
Allows a user to manage multiple agencies and their users, assign some permissions, and make some other changes. |
Agency Manager | Allows a user to manage users at their location. |
Reporter |
The Reporter role is assigned to a General User. It is assigned to users who will not require access to Network and Agency settings.
Allows the user to access the report system. The user will still need to be assigned the reports they can run. |
Messenger | Allows the user to send messages in the system. This role is automatically included in the Network Admin, Network Manager, and Agency Manager roles. |
Once this information is completed select Save & Next to proceed.
Assigned Organizations
Within this section, you can enable organizations that the users will need access to.
- Select the Active option under the Status column to have access to that organization.
- If this user is also being assigned to the Case Management Application select the checkbox under the column of the program(s) they should have access to at that agency if the agency also has Case Management.
- Click on Enable Scrolling to see further along the table.
- Click on Save & Next to save any changes.
Additional Permissions
Most of these roles would relate to Case Management:
Role | Summary |
Attendance | Allows the user to use the Attendance Feature. The organization this user is associated with also needs Attendance permissions in order for the user to be able to use this feature. |
Data Entry | Allows a user to perform client intake/access client profiles and visit information. Any user who needs to access client data must have this role. A user with this role can edit and delete visits they have created within 24 hours. A user with this role can edit and delete notes from any organization within their network. |
Assessor | Allows a user to view the Assess tab and complete client assessments. The user will still need intake access. |
Case Management Anonymous | Allows the user to add an anonymous visit. The organization this user is associated with also needs Anonymous Case Management permissions in order for the user to be able to add an anonymous visit. |
Assessment Administrator | Allows a user to create, edit, and delete assessments, establish assessment frameworks, and schedule assessment runs. This also allows a user to view the Assess tab and complete client assessments. |
Duplicate Checker | Allows the user to access the Client Duplicates list to merge and dismiss pairs of duplicates. This list can be found under the Clients heading. |
Exporter | Allows the user to export client information into a CSV file. Only the Network Admin can assign this role to themselves and to other users. |
Quick Click | Allows the user to use Quick Click. The organization this user is associated with also needs Quick Click permissions in order for the user to be able to use this feature. |
Client Profile Tabs
- Check off the tabs in a client profile the user should have access to.
- There’s also a Select All option.
- Click on Save & Next.
- Select the reports the user should have access to.
- The system will skip this tab if you have forgotten to check off the Reporter role. The user would need this role checked off in their profile in order to view any reports you've checked off on this page.
- Click on Save & Next.
User Preferences
- Preferred Site Theme: set to Default. We also have a High Contrast option for users with visibility difficulties.
- Preferred Timezone: inherited by your organization's time zone.
- Preferred Time Format: you can set the entire site to show in 12h mode or 24h (military) mode.
- Preferred Intake Tab: determines what page of the client's profile would you like to see first after clicking on their name to access their profile.
- Preferred Quick Search: determines what search tab would you like to see first on the dashboard when searching for a client.
- Show Report Dashboard: this allows you to see the reports on the dashboard page. Click here for more information.
- Show Dashboard Service Stats: This allows you to see the live count of households and individuals served on the Services page. Click here for more information.
How do I edit or remove a User?
Editing a User
- Click on the Administration heading. Click Users.
- Scroll through the users in the table or type their name into the search box.
- When you have located the user that needs to be edited, click on the orange edit icon in the far right column of the table.
- Edit the required fields and click on the Save & Next button to save changes or Cancel to discard changes.
Removing a User
- Click on the Administration heading. Click Users.
- Scroll through the users in the table or type their name into the search box.
- When you have located the user that needs to be edited, click on the orange edit icon in the far right column of the table.
- Click on the Deactivate button on the right-hand side of the page.
How do I manually reset a User's Password?
- Click on the Administration heading. Click Users.
- Scroll through the users in the table or type their name into the search box.
- When you have located the user, click on the Password Reset icon in the column to the right of the user's status.
- A green notification banner will appear across the top of the page confirming a password reset email has been sent to the user.
The user should click on the link delivered to their email inbox. They will be re-directed to the Link2Feed website to re-enter their password.
Network Administrators also have the option to manually reset a user's password.
- When you have located the user on the Users page, click on the Magic Wand icon in the column to the right of the user's status.
- If you click on the eye icon on the right of the password field, you can catch a glimpse of the characters you have typed.
- The system will allow you to manually re-enter that user's status. Tell them what that temporary password is so that they can log in.
- Click on Save to save your changes or Cancel to discard them.
How do I unlock a User's Account?
- Click on the Administration heading. Click Users.
- Scroll through the users in the table or type their name into the search box.
- When you have located the user, click on the lock icon in the far right column of the table.
- A notification will appear on the top right of the page confirming a password reset email has been sent to the user.
- After doing so, it's possible the user remembered their password and can log in. However, if not, you can manually reset their password. See How do I manually reset a User's Password? for more information.
How do I download a User list?
- Click on the Administration heading. Click Users.
- In the top right-hand corner click on the Export button.
- The table will generate a CSV file that can be downloaded to Excel.
- This table includes the following heading:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
- Owning Organization
- Assigned Organization(s)
- Roles
- Status
- Last Login Date